A huge net for hams all over the world, each and everyday at 1PM EST. I am the net controller on every 3rd Saturday of the month, and sub on other days when needed. Connection Info.:
*ALASKA* Conference Server
Allstarlink: 29332
Linux, Raspberry Pi, VHF, UHF, and HF radios and antennas, computer issues, and ALL THINGS TECH!!! Bring your projects or issues here, and find subject matter experts that can help. Check out their website for answers as well.
Our Coffee Shop is an EchoLink conference server, and a great group of hams that meet regularly to enjoy each other’s company and share the events of the day, each day at 9AM EST, and again at 7PM EST.
You can find us on Echolink conference server *K6FN*, node 426824.
Membership in Our Coffee Shop is free to licensed Amateur Radio Operators and honorary membership is offered to their spouses. Some of whom will often participate in our regularly scheduled nets. A special Thanks to net controller Dale, KC7YFE for sharing the net Info.
The motto in Our Coffee Shop is:
“Where everybody is somebody.”
Join Graham and Helen, GM0UUB, andMM7HQS (Helen, Queen of Scotland), for this excellent International net every Friday evening at 4PM EST. Connection info…right here on the *11CATS* Network, and
Zello – ZMR 851.900 and KB1 Channel
Allstar – Node 552360
Echolink – KC1MUV-L, node number 663242
DMR (TGIF) – Talkgroup 31320
IRN DMR Master Server on PiStar – FD_US_IRN – Talk Group 31320 for IRN (slots 1 & 2)
Yaesu YSF Reflector – YSF31320 – USIRN
The Peanut (by PA7LIM) – TGF31320 – KC1MUV
Hamshack Hotline – 94136
What a great place to meet people and make new friends!!! This friendly net starts each Morning at 10 AM EST., 7 days a week. Please come join us, everyone’s invited…
Ragchew and Morning Prayer…A Great bunch in the North Texas Area, and a morning prayer each day around 645 AM CST., set up by my friend and digital/analog expert Fred, W5MGM, usually monitored by Jim, KF5LBT, Tim, KB5SSQ, and others. Great technical support can be found here as well. To Connect:
Allstarlink: 45523
Echolink: W5MGM-R
IRLP: 0085
UHF AL7HH Repeater, Irving, TX: 444.800 PL 110.9
Don’t miss this one! Hosted by our wonderful friend, and webmaster Lillian, VO1XYL, this awesome Ladies net starts every Saturday, at 2PM EST. Unique in many ways, you will find this one on Zello, so no Amateur Radio License required! Tell all your friends…
ROAR Zello Channel
(click here) to find out how to get it
This is my favorite LADIES net, hosted by my great friend Terri, N9ZEN, every Monday evening at 8PM EST. Connection Info:
Echolink: *SELINK*, and *GEORGIA* Conference Servers
Allstarlink: 46331
Twice daily (Mon. thru Sat.) traffic net, please feel free to check in, traffic or not. This net operates on 40 meters in the mornings, and 75 meters in the evening to accommodate propagation.
7.285 kHz 8:30-9:30 AM CST
3.873 (Alternate 3.877) kHz 6:30-7:30 PM CST